
From the Archives: What To Do When an Essay Says 'Screw You'

Hi guys!
As many of you know, I've recently switched blogs.  There are a couple posts I actually really like, and I've decided to repost them on here.  Don't worry, I won't be spamming, it'll be posted over time, bit by bit.  This is the first part of it!  I hope you like it.  Today I Met presents:  What To Do When an Essay Says 'Screw You!'


In a distant land, probably the living room, my mother is being scandalized by my language in this blog post title (sorry mom)  Anyway, today we are going to talk about that essay.  Yes, that one.  The one where you read the prompt and just want to repeatedly slam your head against the desk because you already know that this essay is going to be the dullest one in the history ever.


No, today is not a complaining post (although my brain and wacked up emotions want it to be).  Today, we're going to go through the steps to...well, maybe not ROCK this essay, but at least survive it.


Step 1:  Write an outline
Yes, I know, outlines suck. But this will make fleshing out your essay much easier.  Find out your essay's word limits and assign each paragraph a number of words.  This will help, trust me.

Step 2:  Flesh it out
Believe it or not, this is the easiest bit.  Write those paragraphs (and you don't have to be A-B-C but in the order you want/feel like writing.  This is called dessert writing, and many authors prefer this method!)  Try to stick with the word limit, but it's okay to go over a couple (hundred).  And remember, this is the time to give this essay personality.  Make it  yours and don't worry too much about it.

Step 3:  Editing Part 1
If you have time immediately after writing, then go back.  Fix grammar and spelling mistakes.  Cut extraneous material, but leave that creativity in!  And keep  ignoring that word count.

Step 4:  Your soul dies Editing Part 2
Step away.  Do something else.  If you can, wait till the next day.  NOW:

This is the hard part, when you have to look at your essay as a teacher and answer the questions they're going to ask themselves when they're grading this.

Does this essay cover the material?  Make sure in your rambles, you haven't gone off topic.  Read the prompt again.  Read your essay.  Be honest when yourself as you figure out what doesn't belong.

Is this essay fundamentally correct?  No, I'm not talking about your opinions.  I mean, formatting, grammar, and spelling.  Most high school teachers call for MLA formatting.  It sucks and looks stupid, but teachers love that format.


Also, listen up buttercup:
"Comma inside the quote," she said.  "And Around Short Story Titles.  Unless It's a Longer Book Title."
You claim you're not good with grammar?  You need to improve your skills.
That's their toy.
Give it to them, over there.
They're going to beat you over the head if you don't.
Its tail.  (possessive.  The tail that belongs to it)
It's a tail (it is a tail)
There, now none of your stupid excuses!  You've got nothing to hide behind.

Back on subject.

Is this essay formal?  It maybe dry, but you have to be formal in an essay UNLESS specifically instructed not to.  This means:

  • Cutting words like 'kids'.  Use 'children' instead.
  • Not using 1st Or 2nd person.  Instead one should use the term one when asserting one's opinion.  (I know, it doesn't make sense to me either.)
Alright!  You may feel yourself dying inside, but your essay is complete!  Now, do not stress about it!  You've finished it up as best you can.  Stress is bad for you.  Drink tea instead.

You deserved it ;)

(see you next week)


Poems (continued)

More poetry for you lovely folks!  I hope you like these lol.  I will be posting some more substantial content later (lots of movie reviews and people descriptions) but for now, it's just little snippit poems for you :)


I wrote about my rage
I wrote it real polite
With fancy words
And a smile on my lips
But a bow on a box
Doesn't make it any less of a coffin



If you lived in a bubble
Far outside of time
Would you spend your days enjoying your world
Or trying to get back to mine?



Don't ask questions
Don't disrespect your elders
Don't question authority
Are all rules
That I cannot seem to follow
Guess I'm not a good student


Respect Your Elders

Oh dear
Golly gee
How old do I have to be
Before I'm not 'acting inappropriately'
And I can remind kids
That they should respect me?



I've been trying to get my thoughts together as of late and I found out that short poems are often a good way to so!  Forgive my horrible rhymning skills, but I thought that some of these were cute and wanted to share them:

Too Busy Dreaming

Tick Tock
Time slips away
I reach for the future
But here I must stay
My feet on the ground
My head in the clouds
With people throwing darts saying,
"Hey!  Come back down!"


Demon Girl

I am a demon girl
With slitted eyes and fangs for teeth
I am a demon girl
Who chases after what she cannot reach
I am a demon girl
I ask questions and I wear skirts
Both are bad, trust in God
Go home, you're drunk, little demon girl


Help!  Human!

My writer doesn't like me!
She's getting the eraser
Quick, read me, then she can't-
Ohhhhh no, here it comes
Listen, this is important
The treasure is in the-


Barnes 'n' Noble People: Pt 4

Pt 2
Pt 3

  • A Morgan Freeman doppelganger with a heavily patterned blue shirt and a African style hat who didn’t seem able to stop smiling (he also appeared to be a teacher, as he was red-penning a bunch of students  RIP a lot of kids)
  • A rather Aunt style kind of lady with intense eyes hidden behind square framed glasses, greying blonde hair and a sweater with swirling patterns knitted in chatting with the Morgan Freeman guy about retirement and grandkids and the meaning life
  • A guy with a baseball jersey-style jacket, a nearly identical t-shirt under that, a leather baseball cap with some kind of logo on it along with several baseball pins, giant black headphones, and a fat gold ring with what looks like a family crest on it.  He was very intently reading something in a binder, though it all looked very boring
  • A worker who looks like a modern AU Daenerys from GoT
  • Some lady who was honestly way too pretty and perfect to be wandering around in the real world, much less something as normal and boring as Barnes ‘n’ Noble
  • A barista who looked like a T’Challa (Black Panther) from a coffee shop AU
  • The cutest little girl in a stroller, smiling and babbling about something to her mom, wrapped up in a blanket with a pom pom hat over her puffy hair.  I almost died of cute when her mom called her ‘my ladybug’



Hey guys, sorry I haven't been all that active recently, I've been dealing with some stuff on my other blog, International Bffs.  Fortunately though, I'll be able to put some more effort into this blog now, because I've stepped away from International Bffs permanantly.  I'd still suggest reading it and supporting the new management, but yours truly won't be making any appearances.

Because of this change, I'll be making this blog my main blog for all my ramblings and reviews and theories.  Yup, that means change (*screaming in the distance*)  Here are some of the updates to look out for in the future!

  • NOT:  an end to my people series, especially not the Barnes 'n' Noble people
  • NOT:  a big deviation from what I meant this blog to be about in the first place
  • Reposted stuff from my old blog
  • Dear Adults!  Y'all are going to love this series
  • Probably more reviews and theories, specifically about Marvel
Like I said, not too many changes!  Hopefully you like the updates and new stuff, and have a great day!