

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been all that active recently, I've been dealing with some stuff on my other blog, International Bffs.  Fortunately though, I'll be able to put some more effort into this blog now, because I've stepped away from International Bffs permanantly.  I'd still suggest reading it and supporting the new management, but yours truly won't be making any appearances.

Because of this change, I'll be making this blog my main blog for all my ramblings and reviews and theories.  Yup, that means change (*screaming in the distance*)  Here are some of the updates to look out for in the future!

  • NOT:  an end to my people series, especially not the Barnes 'n' Noble people
  • NOT:  a big deviation from what I meant this blog to be about in the first place
  • Reposted stuff from my old blog
  • Dear Adults!  Y'all are going to love this series
  • Probably more reviews and theories, specifically about Marvel
Like I said, not too many changes!  Hopefully you like the updates and new stuff, and have a great day!

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