
The Art of a 15 Minute Walk

  1.  Silence your phone, but do bring it with you
  2. If there's things weighing on your mind, write them down and then forget about them.  A walk doesn't do you any good if you can't focus on it
  3. Dress appropriately - if it's cold, wear a coat.  If you're freezing, that's all you'll be able to focus on
  4. Walk with a dog.  You can take a friend if you want, but then you'll want to talk.  A dog will force you to stop every so often so they can sniff and you can look around, enjoying this wonderful world
  5. Look for something new everyday - a pretty fall leaf, a lady bug, the PTA moms doing their lunges down the sidewalk.  It doesn't have to be out of place or unusual to catch your eye
  6. Don't let it go over, especially if you've got things to get done, but try to walk the full fifteen minutes every time
  7. Soak in the sun light, if you can
  8. Walking the same route everyday can allow you to see new little changes (this is especially good during the fall and spring)  Alternatively, walking a different route allows you to discover new things every time
  9. Walk everyday
  10. And finally, don't take a blog's word for it:  go out and see your corner of the world

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