
Weird Subconscious Fears (Part One)

  1. There'll one be a deadly house fire and when my parents say grab whatever is most valuable to me, I'll grab my iPad.  And I'll be forever judged by the fact that everything else I owned burned down and I risked my life for a Gen. 2 iPad with a cracked screen.
  2. Alternatively: I won't be able to decide what to grab and it won't be the fire that kills but my indecision.
  3. Alternatively: I escape the fire but get killed by hyenas/jaguars.  Not sure where this one came from but it's caused all kinds of funky nightmares.
  4. The garage door is going to one day malfunction and chop me in half.  This fear made me terrified to leave the car before the garage door closed for a full year before I finally got over it.
  5. Grasshoppers.  That's all.  I hate grasshoppers.
  6. Seriously, grasshoppers.  I fear them so much.  It takes me ten minutes to kill one without screaming.

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