
I'm Going To Hell (Again)

Sup everybody!
So today I was sweeping our front porch (it's part of my chores okay) and I saw a line of ants.  You know, when they're following a trail to food and back and they're all over the place but they're going and coming from the same location.  Anyway....I was like, oh, I need to sweep over there.

So I swept half the ants away.

Half the ants were freaking out because their sisters vanished in front of them.  (useless science fact: all worker aunts are female.  Males are utterly useless, flying around and then mating with a queen and dying, because they can't feed/fend for themselves)

The other half of the aunts were freaking out because I had swept them away from the trail and WE'RE LOST FOREVER WE'RE LOST FOREVER.

And me?

I just cackled evilly and continued with my day.  >:)

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