- Half the students didn’t have textbooks. One of them proudly proclaimed “I’m not paying 260 for a fu- a freaking webcode." (She then turned to me and asked if I had the code)
- About a third of the students were my mom’s age
- One girl at the end of the aisle had all the answers and the loudest voice. I do not like her very much, but can at least admire her persistance. I'm sure she'll get a good particpation grade
- College students do not give a flying pancake about anything
- The professor looked up the Spanish word for lisp so he could teach us how to ask Spaniards “why do you have a lisp?"
- The professor arrived five minutes late
- One guy came in an hour late. No questions were asked
- One lady went out for a smoke break and accidently got locked out
- The girl next to me said “I studied Spanish for six years. What are we doing.” (She was nice)
- The other girl next to me signed the class behavior paper while eating Cheetos and checking her phone. I both admire her daring and fear her recklessness
(note: I drafted this at the beginning of the semester and forgot about it until the end of the semester. It's been... interesting to say the least)