
Advice for Happy Blogging

(Note: I am not trying to sound famous or fabulous or anything in this post.  I just have experience with blogging and want to put it to use)

I have a lot of friends with blogs and sometimes they come to me for advice, or just tech issues in general.  Here is my list of advice you'll need to be a happy blogger. :D
- Remember, you don't have to post every week.  I wouldn't say you shouldn't, but if you don't post regularly at first but have quality content in your blog, people will look forward to your every word, no matter how delayed.
- Flip side: don't forget that your blog does exist.  A blog only works if you keep up with it.
- Repeat after me: don't look at the stats.  Don't look at the stats.  DON'T LOOK AT THE STATS.  Instead, devoutly ignore them for a minimum of three months, although you'll be better off only checking them every six months.  You'll end up obsessing over useless numbers.  Only over time can you get real statistics and figure out what people like.  Continuing on that...
- Never, ever, ever, EVER write about stuff just for the view count.  IT WILL SHOW.  Write about stuff that matters to you, no matter what that might be.
- Show your inner dork.  People like dorks.  I like dorks.  Your inner dork likes it when you show your inner dork.
- Tell stories about your life.  It doesn't have to be huge or dramatic, but write about the things that stand out.  The funny occurrence at school.  The way the rain splattered against the window.  A small nod to your friend who you love and support, and who does the same to you.

As I say to my friends: follow this advice and you'll be one happy blogger.

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