There's fall leaves in the air
And the teachers are struggling
To pretend that they care
The summer has faded
And so has the fun
Now it's time
To get homework done
...My poetry skills need work. But hey, back to school time! This really isn't about anyone in particular, it's just a sad ballad for summer days now long lost. Also, I wanted to showcase all my pretty school supplies because...yeah:

In case you were wondering, my reasoning was - English is a (Florida) swampland of complicated grammar and you always hear weird stories; the history one's kinda obvious, it has a very Greek mythological feel to it; and the dog one is because all dogs go to heaven, obviously.
So yeah, sorry for not many "Today I Met" updates lately, I've been....uh....busy. Yeah, let's go with that (I've been drawing a lot okay). Cya when I cya!